, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 How electricity is made


Electricity is among the common things that we need in our daily life in order to surverve and  also accomplish some other daily life goals in what we do .Electricity is used in many aspects such as cooking, lightening, industrial processes , and other things that we all know. Though we all know it's uses less people know how it is made from it's source to our homes.

Though electricity dislikes water as we all say for me I can say that it's like it is from water too, according to scientific facts that we are going to discuss below.

Every one I think it's not the first time to here the word water dam or hydroelectric power plant.So now we are going to discus how the hydroelectric power plant works in order to provide the electricty that we need daily in our life.

Water dams are built on river streams with much water (containing much water ), and the dam is designed in a such away that water can fall from above from a high height as you see it on the picture below .

It works like this , after collecting all the water together the water is left to fall over the high height that I told you with a much force because you know gravity varies with height ,so as it is from a large distance from above it will come with a great force which will be used to generate electricity. 

When the water reaches down with the much force it will pass on turbines which are build between two opposite magnets . As the turbines turn between them in the magnetic field  it will create what we DC current which will be sent to generators to be turned into AC current that we can use in our homes, but before it is transmitted to our homes AC current will pass through step up transformers which will multiply its energy so that  it can be enough for all homes. But before we use it will first pass in step down transformers so that it strength may be reduced in order to prevent fire outs caused buys huge intensity of electricity .

The amount of water a certain river contain the huge electric intensity it will give out. As we saw above to get electricity it is very hard so let's fight wastage of resources , through different means including prevention of pollution.   

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