, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 know more about the gravity


May be sometimes you thing to  the reason why you are just walking with your legs on the ground or why you throw things  above and then they come back to you instead of just staying there , or may you think to the reason behind your house built on the ground without being lifted to the air and you fail to explain to your self why it is like that. 

There is no any other reason behind that except the gravitation force that pulls all object towards its surface .That is the force that make plants grow on the earth's ground ,rain fall down and you too be able to walk a round. 

This force on our planet is totally different to the on on other planets in the universe or any other heavenly bodies in the space . for example the on the moon is just very low compared to the one we have the one of the moon is just 1.2 m/s squared while the one we have on our planet is almost 10 m/s squared. I think many of you have heard about the story of Americans who went to the moon , this people carried very heavy bags in their back in order to avoid the floping in the space due to the low gravity on the moon.If not that they would just keep flooping in the air and fall after along  a period of time.  

Also another thing is that to keep day changing from night on  our planet gravity plays a role of keeping the planet keep  rotating a round the the sun without any deviation , due to the fact which is called the center of gravity which keep objects rotating around each other. Center of gravity varies with the size of any planet or any other heavenly body , because the sun is very huge it's center of gravity is also strong to keep all the planets that we in the space keep rotating a round it.

For a plane to leave the ground it needs strong engines that push it over the ground and put it in the air when it reaches t in the air it needs to balance its forces acting on it either the gravitation one ,upthrust ,backward force ,forward force and others in order to keep it's motion in one direction without any other deviations in the air until it land to the land that it was going to. 

For birds to fly against the strong gravity on our planet they have hollo bones which are mass less .I forgot to tell you that gravity varies with mass as the mass increase the effect of the gravity on that object also increases ,to mean if you throw two stones above with different masses the one with high mass will reach the ground before the one with light mass.

Gravity is a large concept that we finish today if you have any thing that you don't know about gravity tell it in the comment section below so that we can help you to understand it clearly thanks. Don't forget to share to your friends . 

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