, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Top 10 most richest people (entrepreneurs) in Rwanda 2023


Here comes the list of most richest people or entrepreneurs in Rwanda . The list was made according to their business activities and the amount that those activities generate annually. People in this list some of them live in Rwanda especially in kigali and others live outside Rwanda but all of them have the Rwandan nationality .

Without a delay let's break into the list starting from number 10


Sina Gerard has a business enterprise called "entreprise Urwibutso" that is located in the northern province in Rurindo district at a place known as nyirangarama , for a person who is driving from kigali to that place it can take a period of one hour and 30 minutes for him/her to reach there. Even though Sina Gerard has a factory he is a famer and most of the products that his enterprise produce are from agriculture. One of his known products are akabanga (red paper), akarabo(sweet potato biscuits ),akandi(mineral water) , agashya(juice) ... Sina Gerard now has a net worth of 32 million $


This guy has many different business activities in Rwanda. He is the owner of a known transportation company in Rwanda called "RFTC" He also have shares in another transportation company called "RITICO" and in "jali" which holds all transportation companies. He also owns many parking areas in kigali that support a huge number of vehicles . He has a net worth of 49 million $


He lives in kigali but he was born in the eastern province in Rwamagana district . He is known of helping much the needy at his place of birth. When he started his business journey he invested in a small business that was called "Ameki" that by that time was gaining profit only from making home materials mostly chairs but after days went on the business grew and started making house paint and it then named "Ameki color" . This a well known business in Rwanda . He also have shares in a bank called "cogebank" . He has a net worth of 62 million $


This family owns a large known factory in Rwanda that produces bed foams (matera) that is called "Rwandafoam" they also have a tower in kigali that worth 45M$ known as "MAKUZA Peace plaza" . They also have shares in "cogebank" . This family has a net worth of 78 million $


He is the owner of a construction company named "fair construction " that constructs buildings and provides painting activities . It is this company that constructed the building named above called MAKUZA Peace plaza . He has a net worth of 165 million$


He is the one who built the sharpest building in kigali city known as "city tower" he also has shares in buildings that are used as shops in kigali at a place known as "down town " . He also have shares in a 5 star hotel called "marriote" .He has a net worth of 242 million $


He invested much money in a company called "sp" that sells and supply to other fuel stations in Rwanda vehicle fuel and cooking gases . He also have shares in a well known company called "Rwanda tea " he also has many shares in different companies that sell and supply coffee that operate here in Rwanda. GATERA also is the owner of an insurance company called "prime insurance". He has a net worth of 282 million $


He is a well known business man in Rwanda were many Rwandans for along period of time kept calling him the most richest person in Rwanda because of many businesses that he has including many buildings that are found at a place called gikondo in kigali . He is the owner of a building named "union trade centre " that is today utilized by nakumart . He is also the owner of a cigarette company known as "PANAFRICAN TOBACCO GROUP "he has a net worth of 352 million $


 PAUL KAGAME is the president of Rwanda that has made many changes towards the development of the country since he was erected we as Rwandans we do a appreciate him very much for all he has done for our country . HE has shares bank of kigali ,inyange LTD, real construction,sico  security, NPD  construction... He also have other businesses and buildings in Rwanda and outside Rwanda .HE has a net worth of 600 million $ and he is among 5 richest presidents in Africa 


This man is  Rwandan but he used to live outside the country most of the time. He studied in congo and it is were he started his different businesses ,later he went to South Africa were he continued his business journey and later he started a phone production industry which is called "TELECELL" These phones were supplied to different areas of the world and later they arrived in Rwanda and they were really loved than other phones of that time which raised his revenue and later lead him to buy an industry that prepares alcoholic drinks in South Africa . He has a net worth of 3 billion $

Thx for reading if you want more info you may text us via whastapp +250735051672 we are very grad  to here from you !!!


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