, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Testimony of kaline /how I was made pregnant by my teacher

 First let me thank you who have took time to read my true story of how my teacher caused me troubles by making me pregnant . 

My name is Kaline and am a Rwandan girl who live in Kigali city the capital of Rwanda. My story is long but I will  try to summarize it, in 2015 I pass the primary level national examination with very good marks and I was directed to a secondary school that I had selected before I took the national exam.

After holidays I went to that school and I was with my parents, after arriving at the school get I was served by tall man , he asked me my name and I told him and he told me that he is a teacher at that school , I said by to my parents and he told them he will take care of me ,after I took my bags and went to the girl dormitories.

In the morning I went to the class just like other fellow students ,and day one went well and other days too, and after that year I was promoted to another class with very good marks like how I used to make it in primary.

In that academic year it is were a started to face some problems , because I started to feel like a very sexy girl who can pull every and each man , in 3rd term a boy who st close to me in the class proposed me to be his girl friend and without thinking I said yes ,that guy started to teach me all sexual habits that I didn't know before.

We were all promoted to the next level after that year , during senior 3 we had a math exam and I failed totally ,but because of the sexual characters that the guy had thought me ,I went to the teacher that I told you before and asked him to change my marks and I promised him one day to have sex with him.

In that year we took a national exam as it is stated by the national law , I took it and I got worse marks ever in my life , the government sent the boy to the school of choice but me it didn't ,but because my dad was Top leader in the school district he requested the former school to allow me to study their again and they agreed

After that struggle I started my studies like other students and the other teacher continued to give me free marks like before but on a sex promise

Because of the free marks I was promoted to next class which is senior 5 and that's the class where I got pregnant 

I remember that day I was in the class with other students and it was raining heavily indeed ,the teacher came to the door of the class and called me to come out side , he had an umbrella and he told me to go with him some where ,I agreed and we went  towards the school gate and I was very happy to cross it because it was a boarding school we couldn't cross it easily 

We moved down the road and we reached to a small house and he told me youbare well come to my home baby , he open the house and we entered 

He played music that was hit that time and we drunk alot , after I was drunk we went to his room and we had sex , because I was drunk I didn't remember to use a condom , after those actions in the morning he brought me back to school in a deep secret 

After that term we took exams and we went to holidays , during those holidays I started to show  pregnancy signs and after all I told my parents the true story and the reported the teacher and he was arrested of having sex with me when I was underage 

Girls please learn how to work for your own blade ,there is nothing free in this world please watch out 

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