, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Diseases of the back

The back  is a very important part of our body because you can't even sit or walk even a single meter without the back born ,that is totally impossible.  

Also in the back there is a collection of different nerves that send messages all the way from the whole body to the brain what we all know as the spinal cord ,so having back diseases it is a strong problem that I wish nobody to face in his or her life

Back problems are caused by many things ,including doing heavy activities, such as carrying heavy things .

Another thing that can cause you back problems is poor sitting posture ,you have to make sure that when you are sitting you are sitting upright ,because that is the good sitting posture that can help you to prevent having back problems.

Another thing is masturbation, this bad actions destroys much the back muscles in a way that you can't even understand ,because this act influence the body to use much back muscles in order to support it ,please if you want to say normal avoid doing this.

 Also for the girls or women who like to ware tall shoes this is very bad for your back if you do it for a long period of time ,as you know the skeleton is network connection of bones so the leg bones are connected to the back bones so if the are always raised they with affect negatively your back too.

If you don't protect your back as requested it may lead you to paralysis, and fail to do some actions such as walking ,sitting or even taking your own decision to mean fail to think normally. 

Protecting your back it is a good act ,thanks for reading don't forget to share to your friends. 

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