, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 eye diseases


Today it is not a miracle to see a young kid just waring eye glasses becuase of eye disease ,but these things didn't use to happen like today in ancient years like it is happening in these days.

Eye diseases are of different types ,among them they are eye  diseases  caused by poor eye hygiene where by a person who is suffering from  it ,usually has reddish eyes ,and faces eye pain  during the night.

 Another type is color blindness ,for this type it is commonly genetically inherited to mean a parent can pass it to his child and so and so on , a person with this types faces problems in distinguishing colors.

Another type is the common one where a person fails to focus things which are far from his/her eyes what we call short sightedness ,a parson with this eye defect fails to see things far because light from that object is not focused on his/her retina instead it is focus before  of it.

Another type is the one of not seeing objects near to the observer what we call  long sightedness ,here the light from objects that are being observed are focused behind of the eye retina .Retina it is the part in the eye where images are focused and then after transported optical nerves to the brain. 

These two types said above  long sightedness and short sightedness are mainly caused by looking in sharp lights for a long period of time for example watching television for along period of time, looking in sun with bare eyes and other light producing objects ,also these defects can be born with like any other disability but on a low portion .

These two types it is hard that they can be fully treated but they can be collected using specific eye grasses with specific lenses that can help him/ her to converge light at the retina.

Another type is the one caused by poor nutrition ,the poor night vision cuased by the lack of vitamin A which help the eyes to stay normal and strong .As the name implies it the poor night vision to mean it is hard for the observer with the disease to have a clear focus at low intensity light.

Eyes are very important parts of our body as they help as to make different choices , go where we want and so and so on so we must make sure that we maintain it's proper health each and every time by avoiding reading on very high light, very low light and other dangerous acts.

Thanks a lot for reading 

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