, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Why you don't become fat


Many people on this planet want to become fat but they don't achieve it ,because they don't know the reason behind their thinness ,being fat is not a must but also having mass that don't meet your height shows that your body have a problem ,that's the reason many people choose to know how they can grow fat.  

Many people don't grow fat because of the worms that are in there bodies .Worms are just parasites and they feed on what you eat ,to mean you are just like their parent you give them a certain percentage of what you gain ,to mean your body don't use all the nutrients that you take in .Many people also don't grow fat because of the much stress that usually possess ,when you have stress your brain needs more and more sugar in order to keep you normal ,so it uses the one you intake and after it is used up it uses the stored one by converting glycogen into glucose ,as you know when you intake glucose the body uses the one you need and the other is stored in form of glycogen and fats ,so when in starvation it again converts it into glycose to be used by the body ,that proves you that you can grow fat when you are used to stress.

Another thing is that many people do heavy sports compared to what they eat, take an example a car can't move 20km on one litter of fuel. Same to you ,don't do much sports when you know that you are not going to get enough food after those heavy sports ,you have to make sure that you do sports that fit your meal ,make sure your input is equal to the output .

Another thing is that people eat poorly ,they think that eating too much food is the key but that is not true ,much food with no nutrients it is doing zero work ,make sure you eat foot that contain fats but not too much ,because when you take too much you will also face many problems including obesity, heart attack and so many others

If you want to become fat do the things I said above , please make sure you go to the hospital to check if you don't have body worms ,do sports but not heavy ones ,do according to your input ,eat food containing nutrients and make sure you have enough rest so that you don't stress your mind too much

Thanks for reading

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