, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 How thunder works

 Thunder is something that is soo strange in every ones ears ,the that it is soo loud makes many people shake  and fear it too much . 

But even if it is soo loud it's sound can't any bad effect on your life ,am telling you the truth , what can harm your life is that lightening that you see before the sound come out ,the actions take place at the same time but because the light is very faster than sound it is the one we see fast.

Thunder works like this in the clouds there are two types of charges to mean clouds may contain two different charges ,which are negative charges and positive charges, just like those that make up the electricity. When these charges collides they produce a huge electric power which appears to be the lightening that all most of the time falls in lakes and seas ,and the loud sound that you hear. 

Thunder is lightnings are too dangerous because they are said to be very hot many times compared to the sun 

To be hit by thunder it mean that your body charges(hair) have attracted the ones of thunder and it lead you to those troubles same also to trees.

when thunder is going to hit your hair stands meaning it is going to attract something , so if you feel like that make sure you lay down on the ground ,so that even if it hit you , you won't face many life problems such as death.

You have to make sure also that your home have thunder proof which are very strong to collect all the thunder charges into the ground instead of destroying your house and all the other properties

By now scientist are still make a research on how they can collect the thunder charges and use them to generate electricity that we may use in our daily lives ,like the way we use hydro-electric power 

Thanks for reading this I hope you learnt more from as my my purpose is to provide you all the scientific information that you need

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