, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Skin rashes

skin is a very important sense organ on our body as it helps as to sense how hot or clod something is ,it also protects our internal body parts ,the skin is also the part that is visible to others ,so that the reason to why you mush take care of it in order to prevent it from having rashes.  

Skin rashes is one of common diseases that affect many people on this planet ,and  it also one the diseases that consume a lot of money to heal.

Skin rashes are caused by many things but  let's look the common ones among others that take biggest percentage .

Much of the time skin rashes are caused by growing up to mean the age known as the age of adolescence ,here because your body is simulating many hormones  you skin too shows it out by having many skin rashes ,but for this case they heal after like 4 month ,if not so there is another problem behind you have to visit the doctor faster. 

Skin rashes are also caused by not doing sport regularly ,if you are used to take meals containing fats you have to do sports in order that the body can easily release them out through your  skin inform of sweat if not so the will fail to come out and your skin will tend to have the skin rashes.

Skin rashes are also caused by poor hygiene on you body, if you don't wash your body it will tend to store numerous bacteria  that will cause you different diseases including the skin rashes .Please make sure you wash your body with clean water , soap and do it regularly.

Your body may also have skin rashes when inside your body there is something which is not going well for example when you eaten food that contained some toxins.

Among simple  things that can  help you to heal skin rashes is using natural fruits especially banana ,you can cut the banana into small pieces and put them on the part of your skin with rashes like for 30 min every day for 3 days .make sure before doing that first wash your face with clean water and soap ,and also remove them with clean water ,if the problem still exist vist the doctor in your area.

Thanks for reading 

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