, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 cancer


cancer is one of diseases that are  taking lives of many people today on our planet , not because people can't prevent it or not because they don't have way to treat it early before it takes the highest level but because they know less about it.  

So this time we are going to  discuss about this colonic disease that is affecting a numerous population every .

This disease is one of diseases that can't be transmitted from one person to another ,to mean if you have it you can't spread it to your neighbor, except that there is one type of cancer that can be transmitted from parent to offspring which is called breast cancer.

Cancer is of different types ex brain cancer, heart cancer, eye cancer, bone cancer ,ear cancer, teeth cancer, blood cancer, lung cancer skin cancer, etc. 

Even if the cancers are of different types they are caused by the same thing which the uncontrolled cell division , human cells divide each time for some different reasons including growth, replacing won out tissues ,and so and soo on , so as you read above for your body to grow there must be cell division ,and when that decision is done in uncontrolled way they will develop into cancer cells .this cells they will be fought by body immunity. The brain will cause you to feel the the pain in order to notify you that there is something that is destroying your body ,so that you can take some actions to stop it 

Cancers are caused by many things such as smoking , eating toxins , not doing sports ,using materials with rust and other many things that we will discuss in another chapter

Many types of cancers are not healed at all you have to live with them until death but they are some that can be heald such as the one of bones or any other external part of the body ,where by the affected part is removed out faster to stop any other further problems 

Please avoid consuming industrial product too much ,because it is one of the things that are causing cancer to many people

Thanks for reading

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