, pub-8698281621305988, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Select a best boy friend or girl friend

 love is not something to play with like you think other games or things you always play with ,love is something that must be given time and attention , many people are killing them selves because of the wrong choices they made in the life on love when choosing the patterners .

Things to consider before choosing a right  patterner 

1:His/her characters

When I say characters I don't mean good characters ,I mean characters you can support easily without blaming the person with them to have them. 

For example he/she might like to speak less ,this character if you don't like it , it might be the factor for your breakup.

Another thing that is causing breakup of couples to day is the character of using the phone too much .Many people don't like this habit so watch out your crush may not like that habit.

2:Close friends 

To know a person it doesn't take you much energy and efforts just look in his/ her friends that are close to him, you will definitely know his behaviors too, because your friends are like the mirror that project your characters.

3:Number of relation ships that he/she went through 

Many of times people who have broken up with other people it is hard that your relationship too will last longer, first know if the person you want to choose had any other partner before ,and also know the reason behind their break up.

4:Thinking capacity 

Thinking capacity is one of the qualities of a normal person ,first check the way he or she acts during decision making ,or even during problems or cheerful.


If you like money too much then first check if the person you want choose have enough compare to your needs in order to avoid problems that you may face after the relationship ,please first check if he/ she is financially fit for your problems.


  1. Icyakora abantu benshi ntabwo bajya bakurikiza izo mpanuro. Imponi genda ureba kure


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